Denne gangen har vi fått med oss Scrapbook Nook Kit Club!
Her er hva de sier om seg selv;
The Scrapbook Nook Kit Club began in 2003, serving a small number of local San Francisco Bay Area customers. Today we have grown into an international community serving scrapbookers around the world! Our kits are loaded with the latest and greatest products in the scrapping industry, always balanced and creatively designed to help you in your creative journey! We draw from a variety of manufacturers, favoring textures, patterns and concepts that compliment and enhance the paper line of the month.
Our kits are one of the best deals in the industry as we load them up with as much scrappy goodness as we can find, and always charge only $29. Our kit club members always save 10%-25% per month on the total cost of the items in the kit! Our kits usually contain 10-15 sheets of patterned paper, cardstock, an alphabet, small and large embellishments including items like: ribbons and lace, flowers, pearls, buttons, rubons, journaling aids, chipboard accents & more!
Each month our team of talented designers create over forty examples of what you could do with your kit to help inspire you! They also put together free step by step tutorials each month on layouts, cards & altered items. This helps even the shyest of scrappers create beautiful projects and drives the more experienced artists to new levels of creativity with a constant stream of techniques and ideas.
We also have an active, welcoming Message Board where are chatty designers and customers swap ideas and make friends! We host many virtual crops (with prizes!), swaps & challenges every year to help you get motivated to scrapbook. It is truly a community of creative caring. We hope you will join us there!
Our kits are one of the best deals in the industry as we load them up with as much scrappy goodness as we can find, and always charge only $29. Our kit club members always save 10%-25% per month on the total cost of the items in the kit! Our kits usually contain 10-15 sheets of patterned paper, cardstock, an alphabet, small and large embellishments including items like: ribbons and lace, flowers, pearls, buttons, rubons, journaling aids, chipboard accents & more!
Each month our team of talented designers create over forty examples of what you could do with your kit to help inspire you! They also put together free step by step tutorials each month on layouts, cards & altered items. This helps even the shyest of scrappers create beautiful projects and drives the more experienced artists to new levels of creativity with a constant stream of techniques and ideas.
We also have an active, welcoming Message Board where are chatty designers and customers swap ideas and make friends! We host many virtual crops (with prizes!), swaps & challenges every year to help you get motivated to scrapbook. It is truly a community of creative caring. We hope you will join us there!
Her er kittet månedsvinneren får i posten, så da er det bare å scrappe i vei!
Denne ukens skisse har nabon laget, og fristen er søndag 13. februar kl. 22.00!
og her er våre bidrag!

Denne gangen er det jeg som skal velge topp 3, og den jeg liker aller aller best får denne "valentin"pakken i posten!!!
Finner ikke noen mr.linky. Her er i allefall bidraget mitt, laster det opp i linky senere jeg :)
Slenger inn linken min jeg også.. så får vi linke i mr. linky når han kommer ;)
mitt bidrag
Linky var her i stad jo...skal prøve å sette han inn igjen!
fant en annen, og prøver den denne uka!
får ikke lagt til meg selv selv om eg har nå prøvd flere ganger
her er min da
Måtte gi opp å få inn bidraget mitt jeg også .. så legger den her så lenge så skal jeg prøve igjen senere :)
Og plutselig gikk det veldig greit :P jaja sånn kan det gikk :) beklager da okkuperer jeg både nr 21 og 22 for øyeblikket ....
fikk ikke opp min i nummereringen, så jeg legger den med her litt også jeg just in case
Jeg har også problemer med å få lagt inn
LO`en min;o)
Hei !
jeg har også problemer med denne linken,men kan sikkert prøve litt senere,men legger mittbidrag her jeg også!!
Jag vet inte om jag gjort rätt.....så här är min länk till mitt bidrag
Prøver lige igen. Kan ikke få MR. Linky til at virke. Her er mit bidrag:
linkyen virker som bare det den!!!
Dere må bare huske å ta vekk http-greia før dere limer inn linken deres!
Legger inn dere som ikke har fått det til nå!
Da har jeg også fått levert, sånn heilt på tampen.... :)
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