Denne måneden har vi vært så heldige og fått med oss den talentfulle Tracie Hudson som vår gjestedesigner. Anette og undertegnede var så heldige å treffe henne på Papirfesten i Stavanger, og benyttet selvfølgelg anledningen til å spørre henne om hun ville være gjestedesigner for oss. Og hun sa ja! Gjett om vi ble glade.
Ta en tur i bloggen hennes og se alt det utrolg kreative hun lager. Ikke rart denne dama er ettertraktet!
Dette sier Tracie om seg selv:
As a small child I always enjoyed arts and crafts and, as an adult, I became a qualified Visual Display Artist. Initially I began my paper crafting journey as a card maker but during August 2005 I stumbled across scrapbooking and soon became hooked.
Scrapbooking has certainly taken over my life and I try and scrap everyday. Last year my husband converted our conservatory into my scrap room, but my stash supplies still manage to sneak through to the dinning room table!
Scrapbooking is defiantly my “me” time. I draw a lot of my inspiration from the environment which surrounds me and having two active young men in my life, means I am always given plenty of photo opportunities.
I have been fortunate enough to have had my work published in many magazines and was honored to be named one of The Best of British Newcomer Scrapbooking Talents of 2006, as well as The Best of British Newcomer Card maker.
I currently serve on Design Teams for Prima, Sassafras, Pencil Lines and Banana Frog as well as being an approved Prima Educator, which has enabled me to teach workshops right across the globe.
Most of my scrapping revolves around the men in my life, my friends and extended family. You can see plenty of my layouts and photos on my blog.
Thank you to the Skissedilla Team for inviting me to be a guest designer. – I hope you enjoy the sketch and look forward to seeing all of your wonderful interpretations.
Addicted to -
I can not scrap without 3d foam pads! I love how they add instant dimension to my pages.
I also love how fabric adds a tactile feel to my pages and can often be found sourcing fabric off cuts from our local fabric mill.
Prima flowers are a must have for me - they are just so beautiful.
My tiny scissors are another must have - I love to handcut lots and use my scissors every day.
Music realy inspires me and I always have my ipod palying when I scrap.
Inspired by -
Jamie Warren -
Dina Wakely -
Adrienne Looman -
Lucy Folch -
Joann Te Raa -
I'll send a photograph of the RAK later on - my camera battery is charging!
Tusen takk Tracie for at du ville være med oss jente hos Skissedilla!
Skissen denne gang er laget av nabon.
Slik ble Tracie's løsning.
Fristen er som vanlig søndag kl 22.00.

Så gøy å få bli litt kjent med Tracie Hudson, hun lager jo så mye flott! Flotte bidrag fra dere. :D
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