Vel overstått 17.mai alle sammen!
Denne uken har vi vært så heldige og fått med oss
Heidi Kelly som vår gjesedesigner. Hun er et talent utenom det vanlige, og kreerer de mest utrolige layouter!
Det er også Heidi som har designet ukens skisse for oss. Vi håper dere vil ha like stor glede av skissen som vi har hatt.
Sjekk også den flotte premien som Heidi sponser.

My name is Heidi Kelley and I currently live in Missouri with my husband of 10 years, Patrick. I am a SAHM who is in love with our three children Ahna, Sarenna, and Jax. We move quite a bit within the United States for my husbands job, and in the past 7 years we have lived in North Carolina, Illinois, Indiana, Alabama, Michigan, and now Missouri.
I have been "Scrapping" my whole life it seems, before I even knew there was all these amazing products out there. The past 5 years, however, my creativity has really been let loose and I have had an incredible time working with and for several companies! I tend to be somewhat of an eclectic artist, and don't always use scrapbook supplies in the most traditional of ways. What do I love most about scrapbooking? Besides the obvious legacy that I get to leave behind for my children, I love using my hands to create works of art out of simple everyday items, creating a story within each project and page.
I am currently on the following DTS:
Clear Scraps
Shimmerz Paints
The Color Room
I am also an Educator for:
Shimmerz Paints
I am also the 201 Program Director, as well as, teach classes for:
Miss Art's Papercrafting School
5 things I love about scrapbooking:
1. There are NO rules, I can create how I want to create, when I want to create, and about what I want to create!
2. Paints and mists
3. Taking photos, and using them in creative ways to tell my family's story
4. Teaching classes, I never thought I would do this - but I love it.
5. The friends that I have made because of this hobby, in all different countries!
5 scrappers that inspire me:
Anna Dabrowskai:
Nathalie Kalbach:
Stacey Young:
Larissa Albernaz:
Julie Winks:
Her er våre bidrag denne uken:
Her er den flotte premien som Heidi sponser
Vi gleder oss til å se hva dere får ut av ukens skisse!