Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Top 3 of sketch #151

Well, it`s time for top 3 of sketch #151, and I am so impressed of all
these gorgeous pages that you make. It makes it difficult to
choose only 3 layouts, but still ; it is so much fun to look at all your
takes on the sketch : ) And I have finally come up with these three pages:

The winner this week is this adorable page from Marion.
I just love the background paper, and the paint that kind of 
flow down the page. All the cute details, and the sweet photos.
A stunning layout, Marion! Congratulation!!!

The second page I want to show, is this gorgeous work from Eva.
Take a look at those colors...... how they match the picture perfectly!
Love the white spots and that chicken wire. It really lights up the page.
A fantastic layout, Eva !

And last but not least, this colorful layout from Anne Gerd.
I was so impressed how you made this page without using any kind of
pattern papers. It`s a really HAPPY page! : )  Well done, Anne Gerd ! 

Marion, send us your adress, and you will get this RAK sent to you : )

Thanks again for all your contributions to our challenges.
And remember, you still have a couple of days left to send us an
application for our DT-call : )

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sketch #152

Hope you all have a great Sunday. Where I live it's the last day of the winter holiday and everyday life are at it again tomorrow. This week it's Carrin who designed the sketchI reckon that you like it :-) A little reminder the DTcallThe chance to apply are still there.There are even a few days left until the deadline is up. I encourage you all to throw in an application :-)

"This time I think I have followed the sketch pretty closely."

"I have followed the sketch, but turned the title a bit to the left"

"I've followed the sketch like it is :-)"

"I think I have followed the sketch this time..."

"I have used the sketch as it is with the elements except that I have turned the sketch opposite"

"I think I have followed the sketch pretty closely this time."

"Here I have used 2 images instead of one, otherwise followed the sketch pretty good;-)"

Ukens RAK

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Top 3 of sketch #150

Oh, joy! I just love to see your takes on the sketches we make.
I've made my choices this week, and I'm proud to announce
as my first pick with this colorful and fun LO. I just love the way she interpret the sketch, and what a fun picture! Love the details too.

My second pick this week is made by Linda. She made this wonderful winter LO with bright colors. And I just love colors! The use of washitape and snowflakes is soo cool.
And last but not least, Solfrid aka Jonna who made this lovely LO of her niese. Love the orange and black color togheter, and those fun details!
Thanks to all of you who participated.
Cattis send us your address, and we'll send you the RAK.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Design team call reminder!

Just a DT reminder from us! Dont be afraid, take a chance. 
For the first time we are opening for a Design Team call!

This means that you could be a part of skissedillas designteam and have the ability to both inspire and be inspired even more than you are today.
We are looking for two new scrappers and we are looking for creativity and individuality. We want both Norwegian and foreign scrappers! Only 12x12 layouts or letter size.

Skissedilla posted the first sketch 29 March 2009, and that means we have been dooing some worksince.149 + layouts and we have had the extra sketches, anniversaries, etc.

We are the first and largest sketch challenge blog in Norway, and we are going to continue with that!

You are enthusiastic, creative and have unique style.
You are very loyal and hardworking and have good knowledge of blogging, and have your own blog.
You also have good knowledge of photography and use of data in general.
You must be faithful and be prepared to be a member for minimum of a year! Minimum 2 contributions per month.
You must be aware that there are costs in the form of a package to the one winner the week you have your sketch.
You must have access to Facebook since we have our own side.

Send us:
-a bio about yourself, profilphoto
-link to galleries, blog, etc.
-send us a layout you think best will represent your style as a scrapper.
-tell us why you are right for Skissedilla!
-photo of the layout you have made for the DT sketch

by March 1st. to

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sketch #151

Hello everyone. From now on we will write all our posts in English.
We have got many questions about this, and we see there are new foreign users
almost every week. We hope our loyal norwegian friends are ok with this.
This week we have this great sketch that Carrin made. So come on and play along with us!

Jaszmurka (SUS):

This time I have just moved the title to the left.

I followed the sketch to the letter :)

I have followed the sketch when it comes to the elements. But I have simplified it a bit.

I think I have been pretty good to follow the sketch this time.

I have followed the sketch pretty good here. Just mirrored it, 
and placed some more elements around the photo.

I think I have followed the sketch pretty closely.

This RAK goes to the winner of this week:

If you want to follow us at Facebook, please go here.
And remember our DT call.  

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ukesvinner Skissedillaskisse #149!

Dere er så utrolig flinke, kreative og inspirerende! Masse flotte bidrag denne uken også! Minner om Designteam callen vår!

Her er mine tre utvalgte til Skissedillaskisse # 149!

Først ut er Melenia! Jeg skriver engelsk, siden hun er fra Hellas!

"Just love the greens and the way you have used the sketch! All the little details just pop out, and it's just so peaceful to look at! Thanks for sharing! Congratulations, send me your adress please!"

Neste ut er Arnlaug! Denne er bare så sprek! Digger fargene her, bildene er bra og morsomme, kule ugler og bruken av skissa er bare så bra!

Tha last one I want to show off is this from Janice!
Love the "grungy" feeling, great photos and love all the little details and the cardboard!

Gratulerer alle sammen!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Månedsvinner januar

Lisa Saunders var vår SUS i januar. Hun deltok på 5 skisser,
og laget noen helt utrolig flotte LOer.
Nå har hun gått gjennom alle bidrag som kom inn i januar,
og funnet seg en vinner : )

Og vinneren er  .............  Lene Neby med denne lekre siden:

Og dette er hva Lisa har skrevet om vinnerbidraget:

This layout instantly caught my eye.
I love the colours and the use of paint on this page.
I love how Lene has layered up the textures and framed her title.
A very inspiring layout that makes me want to go scrap now : )

Gratulerer så mye Lene!!! Send oss adressen din, så får du denne lekre premien fra Lisa:
Og du Lene, Lisa sier hun har lagt oppi litt ekstra også ; )

Ha en fin uke alle sammen!  Og husk DT callen som vi har liggende  ute : )

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Skissedillaskisse # 150

Gratulerer til alle dere mødre med morsdagen i dag!
Håper alle har fått den oppmerksomheten de fortjener, og håper dere virkelig har blir satt pris på. Kanskje dere også har fått  innvilget  noen timer egentid=scrappetid ;-)

Minner dere på DT call'en vi har gående. Håper virkelig ingen lar seg skremme og tenker at de ikke er gode nok. Her er det rom for alle :-)
Stillingsannonnser legger seg alltid høyt vet dere ;-)

Ukens skisse er laget av Carrin.

Jaszmurka sin løsning

"Her har jeg brukt ett bilde isteden for 4. Fylt opp med journaling og tekst stickers istedenfor."
"Jeg har snudd skissa opp ned og brukt papir, blomster og bånd for å fylle ut!"

"Jeg har plassert bildet samme sted som på skissa og brukt stripene som inspirasjon."

"Jeg har stort sett fulgt skissen, men byttet ut to av bildene med blomstercluster. Overskriften plassert som på skissen :-) "

"Jeg har ikke tatt fire men tre bilder med denne gangen, men den ene tagen fungere som den fjerde firkanten. Ellers er overskrift der den skal være, også har jeg brukt tape til stripene i skissen."
"Har plassert bilder der det er bilder på skissen, men de to nederste bildene er slått sammen til ett."

"Har fulgt skissa til en viss grad. Ble inspirert av bilde plassering og erstattet ene bildet med blomsterklynge."

Da håper vi på mange kreative bidrag også denne uken :-)

Ukens vinner får denne RAK'en sponset av meg
Frist er som vanlig søndag om en uke kl.22.00

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Design Team Call!

For aller første gang åpner vi for en Designteam call!

Det betyr at akkurat du kan bli en del av designteamet her på Skissedilla og ha muligheten til både inspirere og bli inspirert ennå mer enn det du er i dag.
Skissedilla åpnet 20. mars 2009, og det betyr at vi på teamet har laget en god del skisser siden den gang. 149 stk + det vi har hatt av ekstraskisser, jubileer osv.

Vi er Norges første og største skisseutfordringsblogg, og det har vi tenkt å fortsette med!

DT skisse

For the first time we are opening for a Design Team call!

This means that just you could be a part of desgnteamet here on Skissedilla and have the ability to both inspire and be inspired even more than you are today.
We are looking for two new scrappers and we are looking for creativity and individuality. We want both Norwegian and foreign scrappers! Only 12x12 layouts or letter size.

Skissedilla posted the first sketch 29 March 2009, and that means we have been dooing some work since. 149 + layouts and we have had the extra sketches, anniversaries, etc.

We are the first and largest sketch challenge blog in Norway, and we are going to continue with that!

You are enthusiastic, creative and have unique style.
You are very loyal and hardworking and have good knowledge of blogging, and have your own blog.
You also have good knowledge of photography and use of data in general.
You must be faithful and be prepared to be a member for minimum of a year! Minimum 2 contributions per month.
You must be aware that there are costs in the form of a package to the one winner the week you have your sketch.
You must have access to Facebook since we have our own side.

Send us 
-a bio about yourself, profilphoto 
-link to galleries, blog, etc. 
-send us a layout you think best will represent your style as a scrapper. 
-tell us why just you are right for Skissedilla!
-photo of the layout you have made for the DT sketch

by March 1st. to

Topp 3 med Skissedillaskisse #148

Denne uka kom det inn mange flotte bidrag!
Anbefaler alle å ta en kikk på bidragene, for her var det utrolig mye inspirerende!

Her er ukas utvalgte:
Jeg ler meg i hjel av denne kule LOen fra Lillesmor.
Utrolig morsomt bilde, herlige farger og detaljer.
Dette var min favoritt denne uka!

Videre digger jeg denne fargeklatten av en LO fra Scarlett.
Utrolig lekre detaljer og et flott bilde.
(Furthermore, I love this colourful layout from Scarlett.
Incredibly nice details and a great picture.)

Aud leverte denne uka denne herlige LOen. Denne LOen er sart og tøff på samme tid, med lekre detaljer.

Lillesmor; send oss en mail med adressen din så kommer det pakke i posten:)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

SUS Skissedillaskisse # 149!

Denne gangen har vi vært i det store utland og hentet vår SUS for februar!

Damen heter Jaszmurka og er bare superkul og hyggelig! Hun har scrappet et skikkelig sprekt bidrag til skissen Brit har laget!

Her er hva hun skriver om seg selv!

Hello there! My nickname is Jaszmurka. I live in Poland. Scrapbooking has been my passion since 2007. I enjoy transfering both, my good and bad emotions on to a paper. It makes me feeling better. Relieved. I need it to not to get crazy in the real world. When my vein arrives I disappear for everyone. I love music, it accompanies me every day. Sounds and vein are perfect combination. I do what I love. It's my passion.

The most I like making albums and art journals but recently I made lots of layouts (I made 110 last year).
Now I’m in three awesome Design Teams
“I lowe SCRAP”
 and "Kits de Somni"

You can find me here

I hope you have fun with this sketches as much as I do! :)
hugs Jaszmurka

Her er Loen hun har laget! Vi digger den!

Her er den tøffe RAKen fra Jaszmurka!
Våre bidrag denne uken!

Carrin - Har brukt 3 bilder isteden for 4. Plassert skyer og diverse stæsj for å være mest mulig tro mot skissa.
Nabon - Her har jeg brukt 3 bilder i stedet for 4, rub-onsen er taggen øverst i hjørner, tittel og tekst er ca på plass. Lovehartsteksten er teksten under bildet, og splatter og blomster er jenta.

Broggis Synes jeg har fulgt skissa ganske nøyaktig også denne uka. Blomsterclusteren der jenta er, sommerfugl der taggen står og jammen klarte jeg ikke å få med fire bilde.

Lula Jeg har plasser elementene mine omtrent der skissa viser. Jenta er den lille gule monsteret.

Brit Jeg har speilvendt skissa. Plassert 4 blomster der det liksom er 4 bilder, plassert bildet av dattera mi der som jenta på skissa er, og i stedet for tagen har jeg laget en sol.

Mi@Jeg har også fulgt skissen, og med alle fire bildene :-). Jenta er byttet ut med litt dilldall.

Her er ukas RAK!

Til slutt!

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