Da er vi allerede kommet til februar og vi er klar med en ny skisse til dere. I januar var det over 40 stk som deltok, utrolig morro og inspirerende:-) Håper like mange er med i februar også.
Før vi går videre vil vi også få takke Finnabair som var med oss i januar. Tusen takk for at du ville komme og inspirere oss alle:-)
February is already here and we have a new sketch for you. In january we had over 40 people with us, and that is so fun and inspiring to us:-) Hope many of you will join us this month aswell.
Before we move on we want to thank Finnabair for joining us with so much inspiration!
Månedens skisse er det Nabon som har designet. Herlig vinter skisse som du selvfølgelig kan bruke til hva du vil;-)
This months sketch is designed by Nabon. A lovely winter feel sketch, but you can of course use it in any way you like:-)

Denne måneden er Studio Tekturek med og sponser oss med premie. Papirene deres er skikkelig freshe og kule og vi anbefaler et besøk i bloggen deres. Månedens gjest og Laetitia vil vise frem papirene deres denne måneden og neste måned vil enda flere på teamet scrappe med de:-)
This month Studio Tekturek are joining us as a sponsor. Their papers are so fresh and cool and we really recommend a visit to their blog. The selected scrapper this month and Laetitia have made layouts using their papers. And next month many more from the design team will show of their papers:-)
Videre er vi stolte over og presentere månedens SUS som er Riika Kovasin!
We are proud to present this months SUS; Riika Kovasin!
I'm really honored to be guesting at Skissedilla! I'm a Finnish mixed media style scrapbooker with a passion to have my fingers inked on weekly basis. I live in Helsinki together with my supportive husband and our two lovely daughters. My family is a constant source of inspiration and also the main subject on my pages.
I'm happiest when I can get messy with different paint media and create a piece of memory keeping at the same time! What a perfect combination! I've been doing pages about four years now but discovered my passion for inks, paints and layering about year and a half ago. I love creating my own backgrounds, leaving my own hand print in them and making them "my own". For me the process of creating is equally important than the end result. Besides layouts I also love to create minialbums, cards and canvases.
Thank you for having me! If you'd like to visit me, my blog is Paperiliitin (Paperclip) at paperiliitin.blogspot.com. You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Please, come and say hi!
Rikka har brukt papirer fra Studio Tekturek. Hun har også laget en video tutorial som viser hvordan hun har bygget opp denne herlige layouten!
Rikka has used papers from this months sponsor Studio Tekturek. She has also made a video tutorial on how she made this fun layout.
Og nå over til designteamets LOer:

I have used some of the papers from Studio Tekturek.

Premien denne måneden er sponset av Studio Tekturek og vinneren vil motta en av pairkolleksjonene deres.
The prize this month is from Studio Tekturek and the winner will receive on of their paper collections.
This months take on the sketch
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