Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Winner of November sketch

Først vil vi gjerne få takke Kazia for jobben som gjestedesigner hos oss i november. Og hun spanderer premie på den av våre vinnere som hun har fått valgt ut. Her er premien.

First of all I would love to thank Kazia for the jobb as Selected Scrapper for November. She is giving away this Amazing Rak to one winner, that she has choosen. This is the RAK

Og her er vinneren av RAK : 
The winner of the RAK is :

Lekker bakgrunn laget med egen stensil. Sarte farger og herlig motiv.
Beautiful background where she used her own stencil. Beautiful colors and image.

Neste layout har et fantastisk flott bildet og farger som arbeider sammen med bildet.
This layout is just to cute with the most amazing photo and colors working together.

Og til slutt har vi en fantastisk flott og søt layout med mange flotte detaljer.
Sweet and beautiful layout with a fantastic work on the details.

Johanna, please send us your address to get your prize.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sketch #230 December

Beklager skissen kommer sent, superopptatt sånn vi alle er på denne tiden av året! I dag glemte jeg meg helt bort, har nemlig laget ny veranda!

Skisse for desember er laget av Laetitida, og vi håper dere tar dere tid til å scrappe selv om det er stressende tider nå før jul!

Sorry about the late post, been super busy like we all are at this time of year! 
Laetitida designed the sketch for December, we hope you all like it, and take time to scrap it in this stressful times!

Linda Ø.O 

RAK for December will be a big suprise with lots of snacksy Prima goodies!


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Saturday, November 16, 2013

October top 3

Vel, da er det på tide å presentere vår topp3 for okober.
Det er Michelle, vår utvalgte scrapper i oktober, som har valgt ut vinneren
av RAKen. Og den heldige vinneren er:
Michelle skriver: "I pick Tutteli's design for it's clarity of design and great colors."

Well, it`s time to present for you our top3 for October.
It`s Michelle, our selected scrapper in October, 
that has chosen the winner of the RAK.
And the lucky one is:
Michelle says this about the winner:
 "I pick Tutteli's design for it's clarity of design and great colors."

Den andre LOen vi har valgt er denne flotte høstsiden fra Åsa.
For et fantastisk flott bilde og herlige farger.
Og en veldig fin tolkning av skissen. Tusen takk Åsa.

The second one out is this amazing layout from Åsa.
Love this gorgeous autumn photo and those lovely colors.
It`s a great take on the sketch. Thank you Åsa.

Den tredje siden vi har valgt er denne utrolig søte siden av Tellimaria
Se all de små pilene!!! Fantastiske detaljer. Og et veldig koselig bilde.
Tusen takk for inspirasjon!

Last but not least we have chosen this lovely page from Tellimaria.
Look at all those arrows!!! Amazing details. And a very sweet photo.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Congratulation everybody!

Tutteli, please send us your address, and you will get this RAK from us.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sketch #229 and Selected Scrapper for november

Hei, da er vi kommet til november og vi har ny skisse og en fantastisk utvalgt skrapper med oss. Men først vil vi si tusen takk till Michelle Hernandez som har vært vår utvalgte skrapper i oktober. Tusen takk Michelle.

November skissen er designet av Brit Sviggum og skrapperen denne måneden er fantastiske Kasia Krzyminska. Da håper vi må masse inspirasjon fra dere med herlige bidrag til skissen vår iløpet av hele november.

Hi and welcome to Skissedilla. November is here and we have a new sketch for you + a fantastic selected scrapper Kasia Krzyminska. First we would like to thank our selected scrapper for october  Michelle Hernandez. Thank you Michelle it have been a great pleasure to have you here with us.

The november sketch is designed by Brit Sviggum.  We would love to see lots of inspiration from you this month and can't wait to see what you will be doing with the sketch. 

Please welcome our selected scrapper for november

My name is Kasia Krzymińska, but you can also know me as Czekoczyna. I'm living in Warsaw, Poland together with my boyfriend and our cute dog. It is hard to me to define if I am scrapbooker, mixed-media artist or art-journaler... But it is very easy to say what I love. I love colors, textures, bohemian style, creating something from nothing, discovering new things, learning techniques, smell of paints, writting about my everyday life, art-journaling and many many others. Passion is something I can't live without.

My current design teams:  Prima Marketing, 7 Dots Studio, The Scrapbook Diaries, Mixed-Media Place, PaperHaus Magazine, The Color Room, Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft - guest designer
I teach classes in Poland and been published in many magazines like Somerset Memories, Art-Journaling, PaperHaus, Die scrapperin!

I really liked this sketch as I love to work with such compositions. My page is a bit different than my last works. I decided to doodle and paint on cardstock and then add some embellishments and photo. The page was inspired by Suzani textiles and bohemian style.





Linda B

Linda O.Ø










This months RAK, is sponsored by our selected scrapper Kasia

Kit includes:
Package of Prima and Petaloo flowers, package of Prima Junyard Findings and wood embellishments, Marianne Designs ribbon flowers, Prima Pebbles, and a bunch of Blue Fern Studios chipboards, 7Gypsies and K&Company emphemeras, Prima wood icons and buttons, flowers, doilies and colorful tiny buttons.

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

The winner of September

Our selected scrapper for September, Marianne Johansson, has chosen her winner.
This is what she says:
"I just LOVE this creative and fun layout by Ebony van der Starre!! 
Such fun photos and the gorgeous whimsical background! 
Also the tiny spots and pieces of turqoise, magic for my eyes and made the "icing of the cake".

Congrats to you Ebony, you are my winner!"

Ebony, send us your adress, and you will get this RAK from Marianne :)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sketch #228 and some changes

God morgen! I dag har vi en ny skisse til dere og litt ny informasjon. 
Vi vil foreta noen forandringer fra i dag av.

Først av alt må vi si takk for nå til Eila.
Hun skal dessverre slutte hos oss. Veldig leit, men også forståelig.
Man kan ikke få tid til alt. Tusen takk for all inspirasjon du har gitt oss, Eila.
Det har vært veldig gøy å jobbe med deg. Lykke til videre med alt du foretar deg fremover.
Klem fra oss alle :)

Vil også få takke Marianne/Skorpionen som har vært vår utvalgte scrapper i september.
Tusen takk, Marianne!

Og så over til forandringene:
Fra nå av vil Skissedilla ha månedlige utfordringer, istedet for ukentlige.
 Det vil altså komme ut en ny skisse hver første søndag i måneden.
 Da vil vi også presentere vår utvalgte scrapper.
Vi vil fortsette med TOPP 3, og vinneren vil få tilsendt en RAK.
Det vil bli inspirasjons LOer fra alle våre designere,
og vi vil skrive våre blogginnlegg både på norsk og engelsk.
Håper dere synes dette høres greit ut, og at dere vil fortsette å sende inn deres 
flotte LOer til oss :)

Good morning! Today we have a new sketch for you, and some new information.
We will make some changes as from today.

First of all we have to say thank you and good bye to Eila.
We are sorry to see her leave Skissedilla, but fully understand, there is a time for everything. Thanks for all the inspiration you have given us, Eila.
It has been really fun to work with you. Good luck with everything you do in the future.
Hugs from all of us :)

We also want to thank our selected scrapper for September, Marianne/skorpionen
for being with us this month. Thank you so much, Marianne!

And then the changes:
From now on, Skissedilla have monthly challenges, instead of weekly. We will have a new sketch for you to play with every first Sunday of the month.
  We will also present our selected scrapper this day. We will proceed with the Top 3, 
and one winner will receive a RAK.
 It will be inspirational layouts from all of our designers,
and we will write our blog posts both in Norwegian and English.
Hope you think this sounds alright, and that you will continue
sending your lovely pages to us :)

Our design team:

Månedens utvalgte scrapper er:
This month`s selected scrapper is:

I started scrapbooking when pregnant with my daughter Lola in 2009. Complications arose so I used my newfound hobby to distract myself and improve both my digital knowledge and photography skills.
Currently, I am a design team member for:
 A Flair For Buttons- an Etsy shop that sells colorful flair badges, 
Scrap FX- an Australian chipboard manufacturer, 
Debbie Hodge's Get It Scrapped- a scrapbook community that focuses
 on improving your storytelling skills and 
Inspiration Elevator- a story focused scrapbook challenge blog.
Thank you for asking me to join the challenge fun for October- many of my all-time favorite designers have been Skissedilla DT members so I'm thrilled to be part of the creative brainstorming here.

You can find me at http://myanaloglife.blogspot.com
Instagram: myanaloglife
Pinterest: Michelle Hernandez
Twitter: myanaloglife1

The October Sketch:
Made by Linda Brun

Selected scrapper /Utvalgte scrapper: Michelle
Linda Ø. O. :
Linda Brun:


This month`s RAK is sponsored by our great selected scrapper, Michelle.

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